What is Zumosun and how does it build community?

What is Zumosun and how does it build community?

Zumosun works as a working engine, GDP Media &  GDP Growth Marketplace, that does everything from searching to doing. Connect, Do, and Share everything with the World. Get and find any answer & solution. Grow GDP, Business, Earning, Learning, Skills, Knowledge, Wisdom, etc. We work to increase the SSV (Safety, Security & Voice), PDT (Production, Distribution, and Trade), and RPT ( Reform, Perform & Transform) for everyone in the world family. We provide solutions like networking, creating, searching, sharing, doing, bidding, incorporating, organizing, managing, earning, banking, building, making, developing, powering, booking, selling, buying, shopping, and purchasing Innovation, Economy & GDP Ecosystems to fulfill everyone's needs & requirements on one platform. Our services are R&D, automation, accounting, registration, certification, compliances, printing, design, taxation, legal, auditing,  engineering Suite, science Suite, Technology Suite, hospital, health, manufacturing, infrastructure, marketing, finance, HR, insurance, e-commerce, import- exports and more work at one platform.


Prakash Chand Sharma

Promoter-Founder-CEO, Zumosun Group