What is the role of the Wisdom Industry for Universe Growth & Success

What is the role of the Wisdom Industry for Universe Growth & Success

Wisdom Industry

Wisdom industry and wisdom science is the absolutely new invention for the highest degree of integration of the skills, knowledge, and intelligence. The Quantum wisdom industry is the supper optimization of natural resources in the optimization methods and technology.

India strongly will lead the wisdom industry from labour to the Space industry for optimization of every person's quality of life.

Wisdom industry Types:-

Wisdom is the natural flux of the universe. It has the universal energy and power to transform every planet and every person for an excellent quality of life. The wisdom industry has the application for every particle, atom and subatom to knowing and understanding the application of the smallest particle and subatom. 

According to prominent scientists and researchers, the wisdom industry can be classified according to application and methods. Major divided into parts:-

1.Classical wisdom industry  2. Applied Wisdom Industry

According to science, we can also be divided into two parts

1.Classical Wisdom Science    2. Applied Wisdom Science

According to the application point of view, the wisdom industry divided into many sectors. The main sectors are followings;-

  1. Science Wisdom
  2. Engineering Wisdom
  3. Industry Wisdom
  4. Commerce Wisdom
  5. Business Wisdom
  6. Law Wisdom
  7. Human Resources Wisdom
  8. Technology Wisdom
  9. Research Wisdom
  10. Innovation Wisdom
  11. Invention Wisdom
  12. Economics Wisdom
  13. Finance Wisdom
  14. Sales Wisdom
  15. Marketing Wisdom
  16. Education Wisdom
  17. Personal Wisdom
  18. Nature Wisdom
  19. Universe Wisdom
  20. Communication Wisdom
  21. Values Wisdom

India definitely leads the wisdom industry in deep research & invention for excellent development of the 21st and 22nd century of the world.

Impact and Importance of wisdom industry in the universe

According to my research & work wisdom, the industry is not only for economic empowerment, but it has the same degree of impact on the universe, nations, communities, societies and human beings all-time development.

Wisdom technology plays a crucial role in personal skills, upskills, knowledge, intelligence and then develops the wisdom environment for the surrounding of the universe.

Application of Intelligence

The Quantum wisdom industry has the highest degree of application of natural and artificial intelligence. It has the supper framework, platform, methods and technologies to exploit the excellent integration wisdom flux of the universe.

Bottom line

The Quantum wisdom industry has the capacity and ability to recolonisation for every industry, person. It has excellent information, Data, Speed, efficiency, wisdom flux, and optimisation of the infrastructures. Natural Flux and Mind flux have an extraordinary capacity and ability for wisdom science and intelligence. We invite all the prominent Organisation, Institutions, Scientists, Researchers, talent, companies, investors, and the government to contribute to the absolutely new industry. This industry is absolutely dedicated to extraordinary research, organisations, and Institutions.

Researcher and Writers: -

1.Intellectual Property Owner:- Zumosun Soft Group*,

2.Product Research & Invention Directors:-Scientist, Engineers, Advocates, Financers, Economist, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretary, Professionals Team**

3.Technology & Intelligence Director :- Eng. Devendra Chaudhary***

4.Technical Knowledge Director:- Prakash Chand Sharma**** 

5.Technical Knowledge Officer:- Adv. Sandeep Singh Nirwan*****

6.Marketing & Sales Director:-  Prakash Chand Sharma ***** &  Jayesh Sharma*****

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