Undelivered Shipment Policy

Zumosun Soft Invention Private Limited

Undelivered Shipment Policy


Last Updated on 10th November 2020

Applicable from 10th November 2020

Undelivered Shipment Policy

This Undelivered Shipment Policy ("Policy") is applicable to Undelivered Shipments (as defined below). Any capitalised terms used herein this Policy and not defined explicitly shall have the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Use, as may be amended from time to time.

I. Delivery of Shipment to Buyer:

  1. Zumosun Soft Invention Private Limited or our third-party logistics partner (hereinafter referred to as "Zumosun", or " we", or "us") will attempt to deliver the Shipment to the Buyer for a maximum of three (3) attempts. However, in case of the occurrence of any one of the following event, we shall make no more than three (3) attempts to deliver the Shipment:

    1. Consignee refuses to accept the Shipment in 1st or 2nd or 3rd attempt;

    2. Address of the Consignee is not found despite two (2) attempts to deliver the Shipment; or

    3. The buyer asks Zumosun to hold the Shipment for delivery for more than seven (7) days.

  2. In the event, we receive a request from the Buyer to hold the Shipment for onward delivery to the Consignee, we may do so only for a maximum period of seven (7) days from the date of first attempt to deliver the Shipment, subject to availability of space in our hub. We may in our sole and absolute discretion accept or decline such requests to hold the Shipment for delivery at a future date. In case we decline such a request to hold Shipment, we will consider the said Shipment as an Undelivered Shipment in terms of this Policy.

  3. Despite our reasonable efforts to deliver the Shipment to the Buyer, in some cases, there may be a delivery failure for various reasons, including without limitation:

    1. Consignee refuses to take delivery of the Shipment;

    2. Consignee is unavailable at the delivery address to receive the Shipment;

    3. The consignee does not have enough cash to make payment for the Shipment;

    4. Consignee is not reachable at the time of delivery, or requests for future delivery attempts;

    5. Reasons mentioned in paragraph (I)(2) above; and/or

    6. such other scenarios which are beyond our reasonable control.

  4. (the Shipment in each of the above cases shall be referred to as "Undelivered Shipment")

  5. In certain exceptional scenarios, where we have been given incorrect delivery address or where the delivery location is in a non-serviceable zone, i.e., where we are not able to deliver due to unforeseen circumstances or service unavailability, for such Shipment, we will not attempt a delivery to Buyer, and such Shipment shall also be deemed to be an Undelivered Shipment for the purposes of this Policy.

II. Return of Undelivered Shipment to the Seller*:

  1. We will return the Undelivered Shipment to the Seller on an 'as is' basis.

  2. Prior to returning the Shipment to the Seller, at our hub, we will check the Undelivered Shipment for any tampering or damage to the outer box ("QC Check"). If pursuant to the QC Check, the outer box, in our reasonable opinion, appears not to be damaged or tampered with, we will label such Undelivered Shipment as 'QC pass'. However, if pursuant to such QC Check, any Undelivered Shipment, which in our reasonable opinion, is found to be tampered with or damaged, we will be labelled such an undelivered shipment as 'QC fail'.

  3. We will endeavour to deliver the Undelivered Shipments to the Seller regardless of whether the Shipment is a 'QC pass' or 'QC fail' on or before 10.00 PM on the 50th day from the Pick-Up Date for food-related products and 21st day from the Pick-Up Date for non-food products. It is clarified that Shipment in scan date (i.e. the date when we pick up the shipment from the Seller to be delivered to the Buyer) will be considered as day '0' ("Pick Up Date").

  4. In case of any delay in delivery of 'QC pass' Undelivered Shipment to the Seller due to any force majeure event or reasons beyond our reasonable control, the timelines mentioned here shall stand extended and we will endeavour to update and send communications to the Seller along with the updated timelines for delivery of the Undelivered Shipment.

  5. Seller (or it's representative) while accepting the delivery of Undelivered Shipment will be required to sign and attach a seal of the Seller's company/ LLP/ firm, as the case may be, on the proof of delivery ("POD").

  6. At the time of receiving the Undelivered Shipment, please keep in mind the following:

    1. We do not provide any open box delivery to anyone;

    2. Seller will not detain our field executive for any reason whatsoever;

    3. Seller will clearly mention about any tampering, pilferage, or damage to the Shipment on POD at the time of receiving the Undelivered Shipment from us and immediately raise concerns on the Platform within the timelines mentioned in this Policy;

    4. Our executive will not wait for more than 10 minutes at the Seller's premises; and

    5. Our executive may ask the Seller to open the Shipment in case the Seller writes on the POD that the undelivered Shipment is tampered or damaged to validate the Seller's claim.

  7. The Sellers' are bound to accept the delivery of RTO. However, if the Seller refuses to accept delivery of the Undelivered Shipment or if the Seller's shop is closed, we shall make a maximum of three (3) more attempts to deliver the Undelivered Shipment to the Seller within seven (7) days from the date of the first attempt. Our team will contact the Seller to arrange for delivery of the Undelivered Shipment. Please take note that we will keep such Undelivered Shipment at the hub for a total period of 10 days and we will do a maximum of three (3) attempts to deliver such Undelivered Shipment.

  8. In the event, pursuant to the QC Check, the Undelivered Shipment is labelled as 'QC Fail', we shall pay to the Seller the entire value of the Shipment (as declared). The Seller agrees that in such an event, we will either return the Undelivered shipments back to the Seller or we shall have the right to proceed with the liquidation of the 'QC Fail' Undelivered Shipment in the manner as set out in Paragraph III below.

III. Refusal to accept Undelivered Shipment by the Seller*:

  1. If after the three (3) attempts to deliver the Undelivered Shipment to the Seller, as mentioned above, the Seller refuses to take delivery of the Undelivered Shipment or we are unable to deliver the Undelivered Shipment, the Seller agrees and acknowledges that we shall be entitled to move the Undelivered Shipment to our liquidation hub and liquidate or dispose of off such Undelivered Shipment, in any manner as we may deem fit in our sole discretion.

  2. We shall not be liable to refund the invoice value for the said Shipment or pay any money received from the liquidation of such Shipment to the Seller. We shall not entertain any claims brought by the Seller with respect to such Undelivered Shipment and the Seller agrees that the Seller shall not be entitled to receive any money or amount that we may receive from the liquidation of such Undelivered Shipment.

IV. Process of Claims by the Seller*:

  1. If the Seller finds the Undelivered Shipment to be damaged or tampered with or not in a good condition, the Seller can mention such details on the POD and can raise grievances/ concerns with respect to the Undelivered Shipment within seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of delivery of the Undelivered Shipment, failing which the Undelivered Shipment shall be deemed as accepted by the Seller without any damage or fault. Any grievances/ concerns received from the Seller beyond the aforesaid timeline shall not be entertained by us.

  2. Any POD without Seller's or Seller's representatives' signatures and seal of the company/ LLP/ firm will not be considered while investigating into and validating the claims raised.

  3. Please take note that if it is found that the Seller writes on the POD for every Undelivered Shipment received by the Seller to be 'damage/doubtful/tampered', irrespective of whether such Shipment is damaged, tampered or has a label 'QC pass' or 'QC fail', then we will consider such concern raised by the Seller as null and all such claims will be rejected. Our decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Seller.

  4. Further, for non-food products, the Seller can raise grievances/ concerns if the status of the Shipment is 'in transit' for a period of twenty-one (21) days from the date of dispatch of the Shipment.

  5. The Seller will need to raise concerns/ grievances with respect to the Undelivered Shipment directly to our customer support. The Seller can contact our customer support through the chat available on the support section on the Udaan app or use our customer support number or email us at help@udaan.com. We will endeavour that the issue is resolved within 7 days from the date of escalation.

  6. Upon receipt of the complaint or dispute on the Platform, our returns dispute team will get in touch with the Seller to resolve the concerns or disputes in accordance with our internal policies as may be amended and communicated to the Seller from time to time. Please take note that only claims for such Shipments that meet our packaging guidelines will be entertained.

  7. The Seller agrees to cooperate with us while investigating the claim raised by the Seller and provides us with necessary documents or information which we may require to investigate into the issue or concern raised by the Seller within forty-eight (48) hours from requesting such document/ information. The Seller further agrees that our decision with respect to the investigation shall be final and binding.

  8. We may require certain documents/ information from the Seller's end in support of the claim, at the time of raising a claim or post submission of the claim. These documents/proof in support of the claim may include without limitation:

    1. Unpacking/ normal video clip indicating the issues in the Undelivered Shipment. The video clip needs to capture all sides of the package, return ID, AWB number, shipping label, the quantity of the returned product, damages in the Product, IMEI number (in case of smartphones), any tampering with the outer box etc. We may also ask for the CCTV footage of the unpacking video;

    2. Copy of the invoice raised by the Seller to the Buyer;

    3. Images of the damaged / wrong product received. Images capturing all the sides of the product needs to be provided;

    4. Packing video (CCTV footage) of the Order when it was being prepared to be shipped to the Buyer if required.

    5. For mobile phones and smartphones:

      • Image of the packet id on the flyer received;

      • IMEI number of the missing/damaged smartphone or wrong smartphone received;

      • GST invoice copy of the Products raised to the Buyer.

    6. Upon receipt of the Seller's claim and necessary documentation in support of the claim, we will investigate internally and endeavour to resolve the dispute within five (5) days of receipt of the dispute. If the claim is approved, we will initiate a refund for the invoice value of Undelivered Shipment within 3 (three) working days from the date of such approval. In case the Seller has received a wrong or damaged product, the Seller may contact our customer support and we will arrange for pick-up of the Shipment within ten (10) days of delivery of Undelivered Shipment. If the Seller fails to provide the Shipment to us, the claim shall be deemed to have been resolved and we shall not entertain any further claims against such RTO.

  9. We reserve the right to reject the dispute raised by the Seller if we in our opinion become suspicious or become aware of any misuse of this Policy or the Platform by the Seller or where the Seller is marked as a "Flagged Seller". For the purposes of this Policy, Flagged Seller shall mean to include:

    1. any Seller that misuses the Platform in any manner whatsoever;

    2. any Seller who disputes frequently, where such disputes are found to be non-genuine or suspicious; and/or

    3. any Seller who has been found to be in non-compliance of the Terms and other returns policies that may be communicated to the Seller, from time to time.

V. Other Provisions

  1. Random Audits by the hub or security team will be carried out at the Seller's premises to ensure Seller's compliance with the Terms. If any non-compliance to any of our policies or any other kind is found we may reject future claims from the Seller and may recover any amount processed as refund before.

  2. Random QC Check of the Shipments might be done during transit of the Shipment.

  3. We may modify this Policy from time to time, and any such changes will be reflected on the Platform and be effective immediately upon the changes being reflected on the Platform. The Seller agrees to be bound to any such changes or modifications and understands and accepts the importance of regularly reviewing the Policy as updated on the Platform from time to time.

*Section II to IV of this Policy shall not be applicable to Sellers that are availing Standard Warehousing Services (except service relating to special access to fulfil Orders from own source) from us. Sellers availing Standard Warehousing Services (except service relating to special access to fulfil Orders from own source) should refer to the Seller Terms to know more about the delivery of undelivered shipment to them and claims or disputes with respect to such undelivered shipment.


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